Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday, Super Tuesday, Marti Gras, Ash Wednesday, Chinese New Year!

Wow, so many big events going on in just one week! The Super Bowl was a sad day indeed, I love the Patriots, and usually I root for the underdog, but man when you have an undefeated season, you just gotta win the Super Bowl to cap off that kind of accomplishment...but alas, it was a rough game to sit through, but especially the last 3 minutes were painfully nerve wrecking! We scored a TD in like last 2 mins, then they scored in under 1 min left...but then, alas, sadness....oh wells. They did have some fun commercials though:

As for the Primaries today...we'll see how it goes, I hate talking about politics, so I"m going to avoid opening that can of worms, but it seems like it's a tight race all around!

I dont normally give up anything for Lent, but it is interesting to think about what you must give up for a whole 40 days, kinda crazy! Maybe I should give up Facebook, its so addicting!

As for the best celebration out of all these, its by far Chinese New Year! I'm going down to NYC to visit my grandma, not sure if they'll have any continued celebrations into the weekend, but here's to hoping to weather wont be as rainy/snowy as its predicted to! it'll be fun to see her again as I'm sure she loves having visitors, eating lots and lots of food, and also shop around Soho and what not. I'm also on the look out for some inspiration for my Etsy items as well! I've found some really cute hong baos (red envelopes)...man why werent they this cool when I was a kid??

I've also made some cute jewelry using some of the Chinese New Year cards my parents get too! Click on the picture to see the item in my Etsy Shop.

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